It is worth remembering the good things that have happened today.
- Sleeping in
- Sunshine and warmth when I left the house with no coat
- Welcoming smiles and open arms from brothers and sisters
- Starting a new journal (#32)
- Beautiful music to worship the Risen Lord
- The Hope of the Resurrection
- He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!
- Pip's first Easter
- Tree of Life earrings
- Coffee and laughter with dear friends
- French Toast made with homemade challah
- My mother finally listening to me: Don't do too much!
- Finally getting my birthday cake
- Pink and white azalea plant on the table
- Les Miserables (the movie) and a knitting project
- Greeting a friend at the airport
- Singing in the car with the windows rolled down
- Leftover turkey and avocado sandwich
- Baseball has returned - looking forward to the next six months
- A warm shower, clean hair, and sleep