in my going out,
in my coming in.
Day and night are thine;
they are also mine from thee-
the night to rid me of the cares of the day,
to refresh my weary body,
to renew my natural strength;
the day to summon me to new activities,
to give me opportunity to glorify thee,
to serve my generation,
to acquire knowledge, holiness, eternal life.
Thine the supplies that have nourished me;
Thine the comforts that have indulged me;
Thine the relations and friends that have delighted me;
Thine the means of grace which have edified me;
Thine the Book, which, amidst all my enjoyments,
has told me that this is not my rest,
that in all successes one thing alone is needful,
to love my Saviour.
But one day above all days is made especially for thy honour
and my improvement;
The sabbath reminds me of thy rest from creation,
of the resurrection of my saviour,
of his entering into repose.
I long for that blissful communion of thy people
in thy eternal house in the perfect kingdom;
These are they that follow the Lamb;
May I be of their company!
Give me in rich abundance
the blessings the Lord's Day was designed to impart;
May my heart be fast bound against worldly thoughts or cares;
Flood my mind with peace beyond understanding;
may my meditations be sweet,
my acts of worship life, liberty, joy,
my drink the streams that flow from thy throne,
my food the precious Word,
my defence the shield of faith,
and may my heart be more knit to Jesus.
~ The Valley of Vision, excerpts from the Lord's Day Morning, the Lord's Day Prayer, and the Lord's Day Evening
Very few people seem to follow the Sabbath rest pattern anymore. Set aside an entire day to NOT work?! How dare we even think of such a thing. Life is too busy for that. Yet if the Ruler of the Universe can rest, maybe a human could benefit from following His example. Refreshment for the week ahead, sweet peace from the work of the week past, reflection and meditation for the state of my soul, prayer and worship and love for the Keeper.
Sunday seems like a good time to gather up gratitudes of the week prior. May the day lift up my heart to see myself, needy, hopeful, tired as I am, in the light of the Light-Dweller.
~ Harmony's twelve-month doctor's appointment going well
~ Tomatoes on my plants
~ No more coughing from anyone; the sickness finally defeated
~ The first watermelon of the season
~ Thrashing around with the book of James, eager for insight
~ Beginning the book of Psalms once more
~ Lovely lunch date with my mom
~ Misunderstandings smoothed over without arguments or discord occurring
~ Discipline to get up early
~ The start of the Love Notes project
~ Water play on the apartment patio
~ Art time with Chris after Harmony goes to bed
~ Spring thunderstorms
Following the Path Where It Leads |
The Start
The First Day: There was Evening, and There was Morning
The Second Day: Thy Bounty is Seen
The Third Day: Peace from the Keeper
The Fourth Day: Blessed be Thy Name
The Fifth Day: Faith for the Thousandth Time
The First Day: There was Evening, and There was Morning
The Second Day: Thy Bounty is Seen
The Third Day: Peace from the Keeper
The Fourth Day: Blessed be Thy Name
The Fifth Day: Faith for the Thousandth Time