Friday, June 21, 2013

Grateful, or the Opposite

We thank thee for thy unspeakable gift.

We are lost: but in it thou hast presented to us

a full, free and eternal salvation;
weak; but here we learn that help is found in one that is mighty,
poor: but in him we discover unsearchable riches,
blind: but we find he has treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

We hope in thy Word.

There we see thee, not on a fearful throne of judgement
But on a throne of grace
waiting to be gracious, and exalted in mercy.
There we hear thee saying, not "Depart ye cursed,"
but "look unto me and be ye saved,
for I am God and there is none else".

~ The Valley of Vision, Day Six Morning and Evening excerpts

One of the biggest decisions I have had to make lately is the choice to either be grateful or be the opposite: resentful, angry at the hard situations that occur, grumbling, annoyed, frustrated, worried, frantic. 

The baby won't go to sleep for hours past her bedtime? I can either throw her pacifier across the room and swear under my breath, or I can cuddle her close, breathing in the soft baby smell, love that I can spend time with my daughter, and gently soothe her into dreamland. (Both scenarios have occurred recently.)

Come home from a long evening of teaching to find that nothing was accomplished on the short list of to-do's I'd begged them to complete so that dinner could be quick to prepare? I can exchange sharp words, ignoring their arguments of why the tasks were not completed, or I can give a little grace, accepting their help to cook dinner and eat together happily a little later than usual.

Find out that we've spent more on groceries this month than we realized, and our bank account is suffering because of it? I can play the blame game and lie in bed awake all night worrying, or I can simply set better boundaries with our money, pulling the belt a little tighter to keep from making the same mistake again. 

Hard things happen. What matters is how we view them. What matters is how we handle the troubles, whether we choose to accept peace, knowing that we are in possession of the greatest gift of all that can never be taken, or choose to push God away, rejecting blessings because the hard things engulf our eyesight. 

Each situation in life is an opportunity to be grateful or be the opposite. Each moment is a chance to see God as either a harsh force ready to hurl mishap and judgement haphazardly, or the loving, holy, exalted Keeper of my soul sitting on the throne with grace in his nail-pierced hands. 

How are you choosing to see today?

Following the Path Where It Leads

The Start

The First Day: There was Evening, and There was Morning

The Second Day: Thy Bounty is Seen

The Third Day: Peace from the Keeper

The Fourth Day: Blessed be Thy Name

The Fifth Day: Faith for the Thousandth Time

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